Here's feedback from Sunday's Dispatches from Iraq piece. We got email all across the board from left to right. Each email reflects the opinion of the individual author; they chosen because they raise valid points in a respectful manner:
The father of an Iraq war veteran writes: We are right-wing conservatives and support the president most of the time. We'd like to see a victory in Iraq and not just a pull-out. My question is that my son (who was very patriotic when he left) came back from Iraq with a different opinion about several things and I want to know if this is common with most soldiers. He said most of his buddies are changing to the Democratic Party after what they saw in Iraq. American dollars wasted on the Iraqi people -- who are not grateful, just demanding more. Trying to fight a "nice" war due to world opinion of us and thus endangering soldiers' lives. . . . He saw a lot that has turned him against the war and thinks we should never have gone over there--he fells we should pull out, now. I hate to see him so cynical about our government and our president. Is this common among soldiers that return, and does this wear off after a few years? I hope so.
John writes: (to Matt) we're all in your corner, my buddy is over there fixing choppers, I love him like a brother and dearly miss him. I personally disagree w/ this war created by George W. Bush to fill his glorified ends but that's what America is all about, differences of opinion. I also would love to see a better domestic policy but he's had yet to reveal that side. No wonder his approval ratings have never been above 50 percent since his second term and I don't expect they ever will. Why should he care? All he has to do is glide now and avoid military funerals of the fallen.
An emailer from Florida writes: Matt, I'm glad you're having fun hanging with guys like blue ... he seems cool and it's great that you have characters like that around to entertain you. But is this the type of person you want to be training for the Iraqi military? Don't you get frustrated that you're risking your life -- you're far braver than I am and I and many people with views like mine respect you for it more than you'll ever know -- for guys like blue to be the next generation of soldiers there? No matter how well you do training him, this does not bode well for the future of the Iraqi military...
A New Englander writes: Thank you, the August 07 dispatch was wonderful to read and brought a smile to my face a number of times. I wasn't aware exactly how close Iraq is to the sun but greatly appreciate your passing on that tidbit of knowledge. You didn't mention what nicknames or handles the IA guys have given their instructors for the same reasons, could be interesting, eh! Keep low and stay safe.
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